Your questions and our answers

If you are looking for assistance, please review our most Frequently Asked Questions and select a topic

Practical information

  • Dress code

    We inform you that an elegant outfit is required, short pants and sportwear will not be allowed.
    Suit jackets are mandatory for gentlement, and we reserve the right to refuse access to the restaurant in case of non-respect of this dress code
  • For your children

    We don’t have any high chair in the restaurant. We don’t accommodate any children menu.
  • Access to the restaurant during the Olympics Games

    A priority access line is reserved to you Allée des Refuzniks on the Entrance 1. You will then access our private elevator which will take you to the restaurant. 

    How to get to the Eiffel Tower during the Olympic Games? 

    From July 18th to 25th, 2024, a security corridor will be in place to access the restaurant. Access will only be through Entrance 1, located on Avenue de Suffren, SOUTH entrance. You must present a reservation or a confirmation email of the reservation that we recommend you print. Acces to Entrence 1 will be possible via Boulevard de Grenelle, then rue Desaix, Avenue de Suffren, and finally Avenue Octave Gréard

    For more information on access, please visit The Eiffel Tower website by following this link.

    From July 27th, the Eiffel Tower are in the red zone during the Olympic Games. This area is accessible on foot without restriction. 
    Please note: Trocadéro zone, avenue des Nations Unies will be closed to both motorized and pedestrian traffic. 
    Please note: The Pont d'Iéna will be closed to traffic every Sunday in June. It will be completely closed starting from July 1st. Additionally, it will be inaccessible to pedestrians and cyclists from July 12th to 16th, as well as from July 22nd onwards. 

    The metro and RER stations around the Eiffel Tower will be closed: 
    Metro: Tuileries, Champs-Elysées-Clémenceau, Alma Marceau, Iéna, Trocadéro, Passy. To reach the Eiffel Tower by public transportation, we recommend using the "Bir-Hakeim" station on metro line 6, which is an 800-meter walk from the site, or the station "Dupleix" on the same line. Expect about a fifteen-minute walk.
    RER C: Champ de Mars Tour Eiffel, Pont de l'Alma. Please note that RER C could be closed from July 24th to 26th inclusive. It's also possible to take the RER C, and go to the "Avenue du Président Kennedy" station. Allow approximately 20 minutes for walking to reach the site. 

    Buses will continue to operate on dedicated Olympic lanes. However, some lines will be diverted in the Champs-de-Mars and Trocadéro areas (information to come from RATP).  
    Taxis and VTCs can circulate within the red perimeters only to drop off or pick up an identified client or a spectator with a ticket. 
    You can find all the details regarding security perimeters and traffic during the Olympic Games by consulting the official website of the City of Paris here.
  • Access to the Top

    If you want to go to the Top of the Tower, you need to buy tickets online on the Eiffel Tower website or at the bottom of the Tower on the day of the reservation.
    You need to pick them up before going to the Jules Verne private lift.
    You will be able to go to the top of the Eiffel tower until midnight during summer, and 11pm for the rest of the year.
  • Eiffel tower - General information

    Smoking is not allowed in the Eiffel Tower. For security reasons, it is forbidden to access the restaurant by elevator after 10PM, after this time any exit will be permanent.Animals and pets are not admitted, excluding those required by disabled visitors.
  • List of Prohibited items – Eiffel Tower

    Visitors are not allowed to bring certain objects into the restaurant & spaces open to the public, i.e. items that, due to their destination or characteristics, present security risks to other people, equipment or the monument, and in particular:
    > weapons and munitions,
    > explosive, flammable or volatile substances,
    > bladed weapons likely to be a danger to the safety of the public and employees,
    > tools (cutters, screw drivers, pliers etc),
    > items that are too heavy, bulky or repulsive,
    > oversized luggage or bags,
    > climbing or jumping gear (especially bungee jumping and parachutes), as well as publicity materials of any kind,
    > child buggies/strollers that are not foldable,
    > glass bottles, drink cans,
    > an excessive amount of food or drink (determined by the agents).
    In order to check bag dimensions, gauges are provided for visitors at the four corners of the esplanade and at the security control before entry to the monument. Warning: Any object not accepted on the Eiffel Tower cannot be deposited.


  • For more than 8 guests:

    A set menu is required for the entire table. The final number must be confirmed no later than 3 business days prior to the date of your reservation.
  • Reservation information

    To book for 8 persons or more, please contact us at or via the contact form.

Gastronomy and offers

  • Special dietary requirements

    In order for us to meet your expectations, please indicate what are your dietary requirements via the contact form.
  • You would like to organize a surprise birthday party or another special occasion you would like to celebrate?

    You can order a birthday cake with a candle on top of the default dessert no later than 72 hours prior to the date of your reservation.
    We are happy to organize menus with no price upon request.
  • Menu availability

    ?The Menu Card is only available from Monday to Friday and is not available on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and from 15 July 2024 to 9 August 2024.