Terms and conditions




Translated into English for information purposes only. In the event of a dispute, the French version shall prevail.

For the purposes hereof, the terms defined below, both in the singular and in the plural, shall have the following meaning:
- "Customer": any natural person or legal entity acting as a consumer within the meaning of the Consumer Code, that is, for purposes not in connection with its commercial, industrial, artisan, professional or agricultural activity;

. “Provider”: the UMANIS company in charge of the service;

- "Services": catering services and/or services proposed directly by the Service Provider or indirectly via its website.

. “Website”: the Website  https://www.restaurants-toureiffel.com/fr/restaurant-jules-verne.html

and the portals and variations of the associated URLs, where applicable.

Article 1 - General provisions
1.1 The provision of the Services is subject to the stipulations hereof, complemented by the specific terms and conditions of the Service. They take precedence over all terms and conditions of purchase which may be enforced there against and express the entirety of the rights and obligations of the parties and are inseparable, where applicable, from the “General Terms and Conditions of Use” section below for any booking and/or order placed via a website of the Service Provider.
1.2 The Service Provider reserves the right to not accept bookings for events of which the electoral, political or religious nature is incompatible with or prejudicial to the image and shared aim of the Service Provider or the venue where the Services are to be provided.
1.3 If any one of the clauses hereof (in full or in part) were to prove unlawful, invalid or inapplicable, the other provisions would remain in force.
1.4 The fact that the parties do not exercise the rights recognised as theirs pursuant hereto may not in any event be interpreted as waiver of asserting the said rights.
1.5 This document is translate into English for information purposes only. In the event of a dispute, the French version shall take precedence.
Article 2 - Prices
Prices are expressed in euros, exclusive of tax or inclusive of tax. Prices can be revised at any time without prior notice. Prices invoiced are those in force on the day of the booking. They are subject to the VAT in force which is applicable on the day of the service. All new taxes or charges which may be created, or any change to current charges or taxes, automatically entail the readjustment of prices. Prices may also be subject to a differentiated pricing policy based on management of capacities available resulting in their variation. It is for the Customer to assess, before approving the booking, whether the price is suitable. No dispute regarding price may be considered at a later date. The prices of services or of services net of the principal services are not modifiable after the booking.
Article 3 - Terms of booking and of payment
3.1 The Service Provider makes these General Terms and Conditions available to the Customer on its website in order for it to read them prior to any booking.
Bookings are made in writing, by e-mail, by telephone, by messaging or directly on the Service Provider’s website. To make a booking, the Customer must be at least 18 years of age and have legal capacity to enter into a contract.
Any fraud in breach of these General Terms and Conditions may result in refusal by the Service Provider, at any time, to allow access to the Services.
3.2 Any booking is due upon confirmation to the Customer by e-mail, mail or data flow, and constitutes acceptance hereof. It becomes effective in full or partial payment by the Customer. In the case of partial payment, the balance remaining due must be paid by the Customer on the day of the service.

A partial prepayment per person is required from the Customer at the time of booking until September 1, 2024 and for a minimum amount of:

.160 euros incl. tax for lunch,

.255 euros incl. tax for dinner and lunch only from July 15, 2024 to August 9, 2024

.320 euros incl. tax for 14 February, 14 July, 24 December and 25 December,

.730 euros incl. tax for 31 December evening.

The total balance will be paid on site according to the services consumed by the Customer.

3.3.1 Bookings for 1 to 8 people: the Customer has the option of increasing or reducing the number of people, by e-mail or telephone. Increasing the number will be subject to availability. And downwards:
. without penalty, if the modification takes place more than 48 hours before the date of service. 
. with penalties: the amount of the partial prepayment will be kept by the Service Provider if the modification takes place 48 hours or less before the service date.

Penalties will be 320 euros per person for a booking on the 24th December dinner and 25th December lunch, 710 euros per person for a booking on the 31st December dinner and 190 euros per person for any other date of the year.
3.3.2 Bookings for 9 people and more:
The exact number of participants must be confirmed in writing at the latest 3 business days before the date of the event, which shall serve as the basis for invoicing.
Within this period of 72 hours before the date of the service, the Customer has the option of reducing the number of participants indicated at the time of the initial booking within a limit of 10% which may alter the total of the original quote or of the original pro forma invoice.
If the Customer does not confirm within three business days, invoicing will be drawn up based on the signed quote or pro forma invoice.
The Customer may, at any time, increase the number of participants indicated at the time of the original booking, if the event venue allows this; invoicing will be drawn up based on the number of actual participants.

3.4 Payment may be made in cash (within the maximum of the regulatory limit) or bank card. Payment by cheque or bank transfer will not be accepted. At the time of payment by bank card, the Customer agrees to use only and personally the card of which he is the owner. In case of fraudulent use, the Service Provider’s responsibility cannot be engaged. The Customer shall indicate at the time of payment the number, the validity date and the cryptogram of his bank card.

Remote payment by bank card is fully securitised by SSL protocol and insured by an organisation specialising in online securitised transactions. Transmission of bank data takes place by securitised link and directly onto the website of said organisation. In any event, non-availability of the electronic payment service can in no case dispense the Customer from its obligation to pay for the chosen Services.
3.5 Any delay in payment will, after the sending of a letter of formal notice, result in the invoicing of late payment interest exclusive of tax, equivalent to application of a rate equal to the rate of the European Central Bank, increased by 10 points. These penalties will be applied from the due date of the principal up to the date of actual payment in full.
A fixed indemnity compensating recovery costs of €40 will be automatically due by all professionals in the case of any delay in payment (Art. L441-5 of the Commercial Code).
3.6 All provisions of services, services and overtime not provided for will form the subject of additional invoicing after the event.
3.7 Gift vouchers and gift boxes
The Service Provider provides offers within the limits of its availability and capacity.

Gift vouchers and gift boxes cannot be changed or exchanged. They are not available on "festive dates". 

The offer is used for the services mentioned in the details of the online service, and any claim concerning a service not provided for in the offer - including options - cannot be accepted. 
Offers are valid for the duration indicated on the gift voucher or gift box at the time of purchase, the validity period beginning from the date of purchase and not of booking on the site. 
The purchase of the offer is carried out by the customer; on the other hand, the customer is not necessarily the beneficiary.
A booking, subsequent to the purchase, must be made for the use of the offer. Requests for bookings are made primarily on the restaurant's website, failing which by email or telephone.
The booking must be made during the validity period of the offer.
The beneficiary, with the unique code relating to the offer purchased, must reserve his/her service on the Service Provider's website.

The establishment reserves the right to set the dates of availability of services. Said services can be consulted at the time of booking.
If this period of validity expires, the offer is not reimbursable and will be considered fulfilled by the establishment. The offer commits a service by the establishment when the latter approves receipt of payment along with registration of the booking.
All confirmations are sent by e-mail on approval of payment by the establishment. The voucher will be accessible via the said e-mail using a hypertext link. The customer will then be able to download the voucher in PDF format by clicking on the link. The customer will then be able to print it out if necessary. The customer alone is responsible for making the voucher available to the beneficiary.
The beneficiary must log on to the restaurant’s website to confirm the date they are coming.
Should the customer or the beneficiary encounter difficulties concerning receipt of the voucher, they may contact the Service Provider using the information mentioned in the e-mail confirming purchase. Should the customer make a mistake preventing or delaying receipt of the voucher, the establishment may not be held liable; complaints will then be handled on a case-by-case basis.

3.8 Delivery terms: For invitation boxes, gift bags and gift boxes, the price includes shipping costs, and the shipment is carried out as soon as possible by the restaurant service provider Le Jules Verne to the address mentioned by the Customer.

For gift vouchers, any confirmation is sent by email as soon as payment is validated by the Service Provider. The exchange voucher will be accessible via this e-mail using a hypertext link. The customer will then be able to download the exchange voucher in PDF format by clicking on the link. It will therefore be possible to print it if necessary. The latter is solely responsible for making the exchange voucher available to the beneficiary.
The beneficiary must connect to the restaurant's website in order to confirm the date of arrival.

Article 4Cancellation

4.1 Bookings for 1 to 8 persons:
-At the Customer’s instigation
By way of derogation from article 10, the Customer must confirm their cancellation by email or telephone.
In the case of total cancellation of the services or a no-show by the Customer on the agreed date: there is no penalty for any cancellation made more than 48 hours before the service. For any cancellation made 48 hours or less before the service, the deposit will be retained by the Service Provider.

Gift vouchers and gift boxes cannot be changed, exchanged or refunded.

-At the Service Provider’s instigation
In the event of partial or total cancellation of the planned service or its content, caused by the refusal of permission by the public authorities or by any event beyond the Service Provider’s control (equipment breakdowns, work on the Eiffel Tower site, technical incident meaning safety of Customers or Personnel cannot be guaranteed, etc.), the Service Provider will reimburse the Customer for the amount corresponding to that part of the Service not performed in the case of partial cancellation, or the amount paid upon reservation in the case of total cancellation.
Under all circumstances beyond the Service Provider’s control, the Customer cannot claim payment of any costs, indemnities or damages which may [otherwise] be claimed in this respect, and the Customer will be responsible for organising the event at another venue.

4.2 Bookings for more than 8 people:
- At the Customer’s instigation
By way of derogation from article 10, in the case of total cancellation of the services or rental arrangements, the Service Provider will receive from the Customer, by way of compensation:

- If more than 90 calendar days before the scheduled date of the services: 50% of the total amount excluding tax of the cancelled service,
- From 89 to 60 calendar days before the date of the services: 70% of the total amount excluding tax of the cancelled service;
- Less than 60 calendar days before the date of the services: 100% of the total amount excluding tax of the cancelled service.
In any event, the deposit received by the Service Provider at the time of the booking will not be returned and will be offset against the compensation to be paid by the Customer in relation to the cancellation.
-At the Service Provider’s instigation
In the event of partial or total cancellation of the planned service caused by the refusal of authorisation by the public authorities or by the owner of the place of the event or by any fact beyond the control of the Service Provider, or by the cessation of occupancy, for any reason whatsoever, of the place of the event by the Service Provider, and except in cases of force majeure (see article 9), the latter shall reimburse the Customer the amount paid at the time of booking in the case of total cancellation, or the amount corresponding to the part of the Service not performed in the case of a partial cancellation.
Under no circumstances may the Customer claim payment of any costs, indemnities or damages which may be claimed in this respect; the Customer will be responsible for the organisation of the event at another venue.
Nevertheless, the Service Provider may propose to the Customer that the event is held at one of the Service Provider’s other event venues, under new conditions specific to that venue.

Article 5 - Postponement of the event due to the Customer
5.1 Due to the Customer
In the event of a request from the Customer to postpone the event, for any reason whatsoever, the Service Provider may propose another date, set according to availability of the event venue in question. This request to postpone the event may not be made within 48 hours of the date of the service for a booking for fewer than 9 people. After that, this request to postpone the event may not be made within a period of less than 60 business days of the original event.
In the event of postponement, the Service Provider shall collect from the Customer a compensation up to 25% (twenty-five percent) of the total price net of taxes of the postponed service proportionally to the time remaining before said service.
In the event of unavailability of the event venue, the Service Provider reserves the right to propose a different venue with a corresponding new quote.
If the parties do not agree, Article 4.1 relating to cancellation will automatically apply.
5.2 Due to the Service Provider
In the event of a request to postpone the service by the Service Provider, for any reason whatsoever, the latter may propose to the Customer:
-    another date fixed according to availability of the event venue in question
-    one of the Service Provider’s other venues available on the originally scheduled date under the same conditions.
In either case, the Service Provider shall grant the Customer, as compensation, a commercial rebate of up to 25% (twenty-five percent) net of taxes of the postponed service proportionally to the time remaining before the date of the service. All upgrades will benefit from a commercial rebate.
This request to postpone must be made within the same time frames as in Article 5.1.
Article 6 - Internal regulations
6.1 The Service Provider will do everything in its power to ensure that the Service is provided in the terms and conditions provided for in the booking.
In no event may the number of participants present at the venue exceed the venue capacity established for each venue.
6.2 Any equipment or items which may prove hazardous for customers or the Service Provider’s staff will be refused.
6.3 Proper dress and respectful behaviour not prejudicial to the safety rules are required.
6.4 Anyone in breach of the above may be refused access or be removed from the venue where the Service is provided, without the option of being refunded the price paid, the Service Provider also reserving the right to take all measures that it deems fitting.
6.5 For more information, the Customer may have access, at any time, on request or on site, to the internal regulations of the venue where the Service is provided.
Article 7 - Confidentiality
The parties mutually undertake to keep the strictest confidentiality on all documents and information that are brought to their attention in the context of execution of the services.
Article 8 - Intellectual property
The Service Provider alone is authorised to use the intellectual property rights relating to the Restaurant and to the website of the Restaurant Le Jules Verne of which the SETE is the owner.
Accessible elements, notably in the form of texts, photographs, images, icons and sound, are also protected by intellectual and industrial property rights and other private rights. In no event may the Customer reproduce, represent, modify, transmit, publish, adapt, on any medium whatsoever, using any means whatsoever, or use in any way whatsoever, all or part of the Service Provider’s trademarks without its prior authorisation. Use that has not been authorised beforehand, on any basis whatsoever, of all or part of the information may form the subject of any appropriate action, including an action for infringement.
Article 9 - Liability - Insurance
The Service Provider accepts no liability in the event of theft or damage caused to any kind of items or property (personal effects, hand luggage, equipment, etc.) belonging to the Customer or which are entrusted to it.
The Service Provider will invoice the Customer for any theft or damage to property or real property caused at the venue where the service is provided by itself or one of its participants.
In the event of failure to fulfil its contractual obligations, the Service Provider may not reimburse more than 100% of the service ordered.
The Service Provider declares that it has taken out insurance with a reputedly solvent company covering its civil operating liability for up to 8 million euros, and notably in the event of food poisoning.
Article 10 - Force majeure
The Service Provider or the Customer reserves the option of cancelling a service in the case of a force majeure event (fire, explosion, attack, natural disaster, flood, administrative restrictions etc.). In this case, the down payment possibly made will be refunded without the Customer being able to claim any additional compensation.
Article 11 - Right of withdrawal
Under Article L 221-28(12) of the Consumer Code, the Customer may not exercise the right of withdrawal for the provision of catering services and leisure activities which have to be supplied on a specified date or during a specified period.
Article 12 - Personal data
The Customer’s Personal Data are collected and processed in compliance with the current French Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 and the European Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. For more information, the Customer is invited to consult our Privacy Policy available on our website https://www.restaurants-toureiffel.com/fr/restaurant-jules-verne.html .
Article 13 - Receipt of notifications and newsletters
The Customer may, at any time and free of charge, ask us to stop sending advertising or commercial offers by contacting us directly at sales.support.ssl@sodexo.com or via the unsubscribe link included in any offer we may send them by e-mail. This objection is without prejudice to the legality of any mailings sent out before implementation of that objection. Under Article L.223-2 of the Consumer Code, the User is informed of their right to register, free of charge, to opt out of receiving marketing calls (www.bloctel.gouv.fr).
Article 14 - Proof
It is expressly agreed that, barring an obvious error established by the Customer or by the Service Provider, the information stored in the latter’s information system has probative force. The information on computer or electronic media retained by the Service Provider constitutes evidence and, if it is furnished as evidence in any contentious or other proceedings, it shall be admissible, valid and enforceable between the parties in the same way, under the same conditions and with the same probative force as any document that is drawn up, received or retained in writing.
Article 15 - Complaints
In the case of a complaint about the service, the Customer may contact the Service Provider by writing to Le Jules Verne / UMANIS – Customer Service – 33 avenue Emile Zola – CPH250 – 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt – France or by sending an e-mail to reservation.jv@lejulesverne-paris.com.
In the event of a dispute between the professional and the consumer, they shall make an effort to find an amicable solution.
Failing an amicable agreement, the consumer shall have the option to refer the matter, free of charge, to the Consumer Ombudsman with authority over the professional, i.e. the Association des Médiateurs Européens (AME CONSO), within one (1) year from the date of the written complaint sent to the professional.
Referral to the Consumer Ombudsman must be carried out:
- either by completing the relevant form provided on the AME CONSO website: www.mediationconso-ame.com;
- or by letter addressed to AME CONSO, 197 boulevard Saint-Germain – 75007 Paris – France.
This provision regarding referral to the Ombudsman does not apply to legal entities.
Article 16 - Applicable law - Disputes
This contract is governed by French law. It must be applied and interpreted in accordance with this law.
In the event of any dispute, the Customer shall contact the Service Provider in order to find an amicable solution.
The Customer is advised that they may, in any event, resort to conventional mediation, notably with the Consumer Mediation Commission or with existing sector-based mediation bodies or to any alternative dispute settlement method (conciliation, for example) in the event of any challenge.
On failure to reach an amicable agreement, the case will be brought before the courts with jurisdiction, it being stated that the deadlines in which to initiate proceedings are not interrupted during the period of seeking this amicable solution.
In the event of any dispute or challenge, the French courts alone will have jurisdiction and the French laws alone will apply. Disputes arising with our customers registered in the Companies Register will be submitted to the Commercial Court of Paris.
All the above clauses will be respected in full by each party.

Translated into English for information purposes only. In the event of a dispute, the French version shall prevail.

































PART II - GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE https://www.restaurants-toureiffel.com/fr/restaurant-jules-verne.html

The purpose of this section of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use of the website www.restaurants-toureiffel.com and https://www.restaurants-toureiffel.com/fr/restaurant-jules-verne.html is to define the terms and conditions of availability of, access to and use of the Service Provider’s website and said terms and conditions are enforceable on the Users.
For the purposes of this section, the terms defined below, both in the singular and in the plural, shall have the following meaning:
 "User": anyone logging on to the website, such as the Customer, visitors, etc.;
"Functionality": services made available to the User on the website, as described below;
"Services": Services offered on the website mentioned in the Legal Notice.
Article 17 - Access to the Functionalities
Access to the Functionalities of the website is open to anyone browsing on the said site and is conditional on compliance herewith. The User is informed that they have the option of saving and printing these General Terms and Conditions of Use by using the standard functionalities of their browser or their computer. By using the Functionalities, the User acknowledges that it has obtained from the Service Provider all the necessary information about the Functionalities and that it accepts, unreservedly, the General Terms and Conditions of Use.
Any User undertakes, after acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions of Use, to comply with them scrupulously. Failure to comply with the General Terms and Conditions of Use engages the User’s liability and may entail immediate and automatic suspension, or permanent and automatic cessation of access to the website and to the associated Functionalities.
The User is responsible for the use they make of the information made available to them by the User in connection with the Functionalities and must take into consideration all notices featuring in these General Terms and Conditions of Use and on the website.
The conditions of access to and use of the Functionalities may be changed without prior notice by the Service Provider. Availability of each Functionality depends on the website and a User might therefore not have access to all or part of the Functionalities below.  
Article 18 - The Functionalities
The website allows the User to access all or part of the following Functionalities:
18.1 Consulting information about the Services. This functionality allows the User to have access to information relating to the Services (e.g. times, descriptions and specific terms and conditions of the Services, information about products offered, etc.).
18.2 Booking. The User may book Services on the website. The terms and conditions of access and of functioning of the order for these Services feature on the website and herein.
18.3 Receiving notifications and newsletters from the Service Provider and/or its partners. Depending on the choices made at the time of booking, the User may receive commercial notifications where applicable and/or newsletters from the Service Provider and/or its commercial partners.
Article 19 - Website
19.1 Availability. Access to the website is open and free to any User with Internet access. All costs relating to access, whether costs relating to hardware, software or Internet access, are exclusively borne by the User. They alone are responsible for the correct functioning of their computer equipment and for their Internet access.
The website is, in principle, accessible 24/7 but certain Functionalities may have different hours of availability. The hours relating to the availability of the Services are defined in the specific terms and conditions applicable to the said Services.
The Service Provider may not be held liable either for the unavailability of the website in the case of operations relating to maintenance, testing, security or repair or of any other nature whatsoever.
However, the Service Provider reserves the right, without prior notice or compensation, to temporarily or permanently close down the website or access to one or more functionalities, notably in order to carry out an update, maintenance operations, or modifications or changes concerning operational methods, servers and hours of accessibility, without this list being exhaustive. The Service Provider also reserves the option of suspending, interrupting or bringing a permanent end to any access to all or part of the website in the event of force majeure, as defined by case-law or any other event beyond its control.
19.2 Anomalies – Malfunctions. The Service Provider does not guarantee that the website will be free from anomalies, errors or bugs, or that these can be rectified, or that the website will function without interruption or failure, or that it is compatible with particular hardware or particular settings.
19.3 Liability. In no event is the Service Provider liable for damage of any kind (including loss of profit or of opportunity, etc.) which may result from changes and/or a temporary or permanent, total or partial, unavailability of the website or of any Functionality. More broadly, except in the event of proof of wrongdoing on its part, the Service Provider is not in any event liable for damage of any kind (including loss of profits or of opportunity, etc.) which might result from the use of the website, such as, in particular, loss of data, intrusion, virus, suspension of service or fraudulent use of a bank card.
Article 20 - Cookies
When the User browses on the website, certain data may also be collected passively and saved on their Terminal (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.), such as their Internet protocol address (IP address), type of browser, domain names, times of access, operating system, clicks and mouse movements and screen scrolling. The Service Provider also uses Cookies and browsing data such as Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) to gather information about the time and date of the User’s visit along with the solutions and information that the User has searched and viewed.
In this particular case, the purpose of cookies is (i) to facilitate browsing on the website; (ii) to facilitate authentication of the User; and (iii) to measure website traffic.
The User has several options for managing and changing at any time the use of cookies using the methods described below. In fact, they have in particular the option, if they wish, to choose to accept all cookies, or to systematically reject them or choose the cookies they accept depending on the issuer. They may also set their browser to reject the saving of Cookies on their Terminal systematically or selectively. For this, the User must follow the instructions on their browser’s help menu. In addition, they must not forget to fix the settings on all browsers on their various terminals (tablets, smartphones, computers, etc.). For the management of cookies and choices, the settings on each browser are different. The settings are described on the browser’s help menu, which will allow the User to find out how they can change their requirements in terms of cookies.
It is pointed out that disabling cookies can prevent the use of or access to certain functionalities on the website.
The User has a right of access, erasure and amendment of their personal data communicated via cookies under the conditions set out in Article 13 above.
Article 21 - Hypertext links
The website may contain hypertext links to other sites present on the Internet. These hypertext links take the User to other websites, which means that they leave the Portal. The target sites are not under the control of the Service Provider who is not responsible for the content of these sites, the links they contain or the changes or updates made to them.
It is possible to create a hypertext link to third-party websites without the express authorisation of the Service Provider. In no event may the creation of a hypertext link on the Portal incur the Service Provider’s liability.
Article 22 - General provisions
The Service Provider reserves the right to change, at any time and without notice, all or part of this section of the General Terms and Conditions of Use. In this case, the applicable provisions will be those in force on the date they are put on line and will be enforceable on the date of use of the website by the User.

We would like to inform our customers that from July 18 to July 25, 2024, a security corridor will be in place for access to the Eiffel Tower restaurants (Jules Verne and Madame Brasserie). Entry will be exclusively through Entrance 1, located on Avenue de Suffren, South Entrance. Each customer must present a confirmation email. The restaurant declines all responsibility in the event of refusal of access due to failure to present the confirmation. We strongly recommend printing the reservation confirmation.

Translated into English for information purposes only. In the event of a dispute, the French version shall prevail.